Your Daily Dose

Gossip Newsstand

Get the Most Recent gossip from That the newsstand right here! I’m allergic to play and that I avoid it all costs! However, I do prefer to see it in the space from TV reality shows and my guilty pleasure is reading each the star gossip and crap. I do understand that virtually all of it’s not at all the least bit accurate but it’s interesting.

I really do have limitations though You will not be studying about anything unwanted, harmful or disgusting. Along with the gloomy things which inundates us a daily basis isn’t something that I shall post about . We see a lot of it because it is!

This is Only a bit of comedy To lighten up things or make you laugh. Or make you grateful your life is not on burst mode all day !

1 Final thing….though that I Like gossip, for the record, I’m NOT a gossip. I’m the best individual to continue to keep secrets since I’ll be completely honest , I can’t for the life span of me recall details all this nicely. I’m constantly being plagued by my husband because of this particular imperfection but it’s certainly one of my best strengths since it also means that I do not lie. It requires far too much power to recall what I said precisely and I’d get caught in a lie quicker than flies relegated to shit. No kidding. My lips will be sealed tighter than Fort Knox.

Apart from this page has been Made to provide us some comedy and make things interesting. The intention Isn’t to hurt Anybody, start rumors or begin a witch hunt. And That’s Why I moderate all Comments submitted to my site too.

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